Yak Logic is actively seeking authors. If you have any interest whatsoever please email us!
Contributor Guidelines
We're always on the lookout for Kayaker's with heart... and actual Yaks.
Yak Logic is always interested in hearing more from you, and we do the best we can to answer all of your questions and concerns in a timely manner. If you’re interested in contributing to YL please feel free to reach out to [email protected] and observe the following guidelines. Please note that YL is not offering compensation for photographs at this time, but we would be happy to give credit and a link or two.
The World is a great big place and we want to see more of it. If you have an awesome picture that you’d like to share with YL then please send us a copy with your written permission to use. While we always love pictures of fish we appreciate great photography first and foremost: we look for composition and lighting. Send us your creative kayaking shots: we already have enough of our own bow and landscape photos.
Writer’s Guidelines
If you’ve just finished your first kayaking novel with a word count to rival War and Peace, well, congratulations? Mail us a hardcopy and it’ll make great kindling for our next bonfire. In all seriousness please reach out to us before you finish your magnum opus and we’ll let you know if we’d be interested in posting it to the site.
Lessons Learned Stories
LL stories should be between 350-500 words long and be about a misfortune or accident you suffered while kayak fishing. The goal is to impart some knowledge on readers that will help them avoid making the same mistake. If you submit a lessons learned story we’d be happy to provide a link to your website of choice and insert an “about the author” blurb.
Kayak Reviews
While it isn’t fleshed out yet we’re in the process of building out a repository of comprehensive kayak reviews; specifically by people that have owned and used them. Every vessel has intricacies that can only be unveiled after extensive use. We’re very interested in hearing about the pros and cons of your rig. All kayak reviews should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words and feature at minimum 3 photographs (more are encouraged). Approved reviews will receive similar compensation to lessons learned authors.
If you’d like to provide a kayak review please contact [email protected].